Monday, 28 March 2011

Sermon:"Flirting with Destiny"

Welcome to the Bloor Street United podcast for March 27th, 2011. This podcast comes to you from Bloor Street United Church in downtown Toronto. It is the third Sunday of Lent, and this week, Reverend Martha Ter Kile puts a new spin on  a famous story from the gospel of John. Jesus has travelled to Samaria with his disciples. While they go into town to buy food, he meets a Samaritan woman by a well, and strikes up a conversation. She is surprised that a Jewish man would speak to her at all, much less engage in the debate which follows.

The podcast can be found here:

Monday, 21 March 2011

Sermon:"Borne Again"

Welcome to the Bloor Street United Church podcast for March 20th, 2011. Today, Reverend Martha ter Kuile delivers a sermon entitled "Borne Again". She asks whether United Church Christians give too little attention to the contemplative side of  spirituality, instead focusing all our energies on doing good works. Following the sermon  David Passmore plays a short piano piece by Chopin, arranged by Alf Coward, entitled "Prelude in C Minor".

To listen to the podcast, click here:

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sermon:"Sacred Presence"

Welcome to the Bloor Street United Church podcast for March 13th, 2011.  Today is the first Sunday of Lent. Our student Minister, Catherine Elsdon, preaches on the temptation of Jesus in the desert by Satan. Following the sermon, David Passmore plays the lovely piano piece Galiarda by Thomas Morley.

To hear the podcast, click here:

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Sermon:"Transfiguration Sunday"

 "Transfiguration Sunday" March 6th, 2011 

This week, Reverend Martha Ter Kuile preaches on the bible passage in which Jesus goes to a mountaintop, where he allows three apostles to see him transfigured as he speaks to Moses and Elijah. Martha discusses whether modern people can make any sense of this strange vision, particularly in a world where many are post-theistic, no longer believing in God at all.